Transforming data into actionable insights

Welcome to my data science portfolio website. Here, I've curated a collection of projects that reflect my passion for data analysis and machine learning. Each project is like a puzzle I've solved, using my skills in data cleaning, exploratory analysis, modeling, and deployment to uncover valuable insights. Feel free to dive in and explore the interactive visualizations and detailed descriptions I've put together. If you're curious about the nitty-gritty, you can even peek into the code repositories. Got any questions or fancy a collaboration? Don't hesitate to reach out through the contact information provided. Let's connect and bring data to life together!

What am I good at?

We believe in your success and that big data can help you achieve the best results for your business, regardless of your field or target market.


Sometimes you need to look far to see close. Our experts help you make sense of big data.

Data Infrastructure & Engineering

It's not enough to have data, you also need to have the right tools to manage it day-to-day.

Data Analytics

From in-house training to tailored service packages, we offer a wide range of data analysis services.

Data Visualization

In order to make informed decisions, you need to understand your data. We can visualize yours for you.

Let me help you

My approach


Business Challenge Review

We help you realize the biggest challenges you're facing.


Data Collection and Preparation

Together, we'll collect and format all the relevant data.


Data Analysis

We dive deep into the data, and aim to understand the underlying why.


Business Implementation

Implementation often happens in phases paired with vigorous testing.

How will you benefit?

Understanding the overarching trends of your business and overall market saves you time, money and energy in the long run, and can help you dominate your market.

Client insights
Increased efficiency
Process automation
Data-driven innovation
Reduced costs
Market insights

I've worked
with them

I've had the opportunity to work with many household brand names to deliver insights and solutions to their problems with data.

Contact Me

Interested in collaborating or have a project idea? Drop me a messageā€”I'm ready to bring your vision to life!